
Child Care Providers United 2019 SEIU Child Care had me busy in 2019 working to promote the importance of passing comprehensive legislation that secures Child Care Providers careers, education, and futures here in CA. Working with SEIU, UDW, Raising California, and Digital Impact And, this 6-month long leg of the outreach campaign consisted of multiple flyers, handouts, banners, booklets, posters, […]

2019 Review: Child Care Providers United

For most of 2018-2019 I worked closely with SEIU, UDW, Raising California, and Digital Impact And to promote the importance of passing comprehensive legislation that secures Child Care Providers futures in CA. This outreach campaign consisted of multiple logos, designs, flyers, handouts, banners, booklets, posters, animations, and advertisements in multiple languages. Photos of all of these […]


Issues and Policy Center for Policy Initiatives Annually the Center for Policy Initiatives crunches the big numbers and does the deep math to figure out exactly where San Diegans workers are in terms of their employment, living standards, wages, and needs in comparison to other industries, regions, and timeframes. This gives the policy makers and people the […]


Long-Term Organizing Child Care Providers United Child Care Providers United was a successful multi-stage outreach campaign that helped secure unionizing rights to protect child care workers in CA. Working with SEIU, UDW, Raising California, and Digital Impact And, this endeavor consisted of full branding, informational materials, legislative leave-behinds, event banners, campaign booklets, posters, animations, and advertisements in multiple languages reaching […]


I’m one of those full-stack unicorns. Having worked on the internet for the last decades or so, I excel at quickly providing top-quality concepts and effective user-focused designs that will ultimately benefit my client’s business. I usually do this using WordPress, HTML, CSS, and a bunch of tricks and ideas. I’m also Google Certified, as […]